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  • Writer's pictureAmy M


(blueprint: how DNA makes us who we are Chapter 13)

Things I found interesting/recurring "themes" throughout the book

-"It is important that parents realize that children are not blobs of clay to be moulded however they wish. The main message of Blueprint is that genes are the major systematic force in children's development. Parents' naturally want their children to be the best they can bem but it is important to distinguish that from what parents want their children to be."

-"Genes are not destiny and heritability describes what is, not what could be."

-"Parents can make a difference. It is important that parents are not fatalistic about their children, because polygenic scores are probabilistic not deterministic."

-"Despite educational attainment's strong prediction of group differences, prediction of individual difference is not precise."

-**"If all you know about people is their DNA, you can indeed predict their school achievement. The educational attainment polygenic score is already among the most powerful predictors in psychology."

I think all of these points are really interesting. And there seems to be much data to back it up. But I'm glad that it did say that parents can make a difference. And that children are not blank slates, but their genes have already preprogrammed some parts of their personality and traits.

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