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  • Writer's pictureAmy M


I finished reading Blueprint a few days ago. It's quite dense but okay. I think it's pretty good. I think so far, there isn't much to support my "new" thesis haha. Though my new thesis has not been established so far. A lot of what I have been reading says a lot about how genetics play a large role in a lot of things, such as weight, height, personality and other traits. I don't know, we'll see. Only read 2 chapters of the books so far. Curious what EMC round table is going to be like Tuesday.

Church is really good :) The sermon was quite convicting :) Quite humbling

The verses were Luke 15: 11-16 about the prodigal son. Hmm, in summary, it was about how the son (younger one) asked his father for his inheritance. This was basically asking your father to die. In the culture, you would usually get beaten by the father. The father, did not beat up his son, but instead did split his inheritance and gave it to his son. The son left and spent all the money with reckless living. This was rejecting both his father and his father's way of life. Once all of the money was gone, the son went to a local citizen and worked and fed the pigs. He looked at the pods the pigs were eating and wanted it for himself because he was hungry. Instead of thinking about running back to his father, he tried to fix the situation himself.

What does this mean? This is a parable which is meant to teach something. The father is our heavenly father, God. The sons, are us. We are either one son or the other. The first stage of life on our journey with God is rejection. Rejection of God and being unaware of our own sin. And there are two ways to grow on this journey with God. You can grow slowly, rejecting and rejecting and rejecting until you come back running to Him, and pleading. Or, you can grow fast, letting down your defenses and humbling yourself (let's go :)). And not trying to fix the situation yourself, but trusting in God's unconditional love. Prioritizing God above all else :) One test grade should not be so much pressure or such a burden. One bad test grade does not affect His unconditional love for us :) so encouraging. It's crazy. Nothing affects His unconditional love for us :) Quite encouraging :)

I met with the girls small group in STATIC today and we talked. Hmm, it was quite good, afterwards the leader gave me a ride. We sat in the car and talked for a bit. I shared my testimony. She is so so encouraging :) quite grateful :)

Hmm, 5 things/people I am grateful for

-Hana :)

-Family, church community, school (STATIC) community

-Andrew and Kirstie

-School small group leader

-Peace and rest

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