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  • Writer's pictureAmy M


HW: Blueprint chapter 7

Yesterday we (Mr. Bott and I) had a conversation about genetics and how big of a role they play vs nurture and discussed a lot of other things haha. It was a good conversation. 👍 I enjoyed it.

There are a lot of factors that play into one question. I think my thesis may stay the same possibly? Because it's not a simple answer. Haha, a lot of things aren't.

So far, we learned from both books that genetics plays a big role, bigger than we might think. I don't disagree with this, but there is not a simple way to measure exactly how much genetics plays vs nurture. Which makes it a bit difficult. I think the environment can certainly affect your introversion/extroversion quite a bit. Personality is very complex. I don't think by the end of this year we'll get a definite answer. Because a lot of things vary between people, people are complex and unique. I think for me, if I place a certain value on something, I will let it change me. It will change me. For example hmm, how much I value my faith, church, and God's word. I think that has had a big impact on my life :) And I think maybe (?) the same could go for introversion/extroversion. If we really thought it was important for us to be more extroverted, I am sure we would allow that goal to shape us. I don't know how much people value their introvertedness/extrovertedness but I think if we thought it would truly be better for us, like at work, or in school, I think we could change.

I understand genetics plays a huge factor, I agree with that. But maybe over time, as we get older, maybe the environment will have a bigger impact. I think we stick to what our genetics gives us until we hit something/an event (big). I think it's something to think about. I could be completely wrong haha. And it's okay.

I just think once I have heard some stories from other people and when I think about myself, haha I don't know. As I mentioned before, someone who had stopped by during the midterm presentation, she said once she entered the workplace, she became more extroverted. And she stayed that way. Work is a big part of life and I think it would be unfair if we say the environment couldn't change us as much as genetics does.

When I think of myself, I was a lowly reactive baby and quite extroverted growing up. This could be I was actually extroverted or I was introverted the whole time but exhibited lots of extroverted traits. I don't know. Or maybe I was an ambivert. I did enjoy time alone, but there were times where I did want to spend time with my family and other people.

I think we should give the environment more credit than we do. I could be completely wrong! But I would like to do some experiments myself along with reading. I think it's important to engage with people in my life for this project.

Good conversation 👍

5 things I am grateful for



-Church :) and brothers and sisters


-Psalm 46:1-3 "God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble."

It's been quite a hard season.

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